The club's board of directors recently voted to collect renewal dues from existing members in order to refresh our membership list. Those who joined the club after December 31, 2023 are exempt from the renewal. Those who joined before are asked to contribute $10 to remain active members.
In 2013, the club incorporated in South Carolina and established bylaws under which we operate and the Board believes the Bylaws need revisions. The current Bylaws require a majority of the membership to vote for any revision and, based on past responses to Board elections in the 30% range, the Board did not feel it was likely that we would be able to implement these much-needed revisions. Accordingly, the Board decided to assess supplemental dues as a measure of continuing interest (and likelihood of voting) in the Club.
The revised Bylaws will allow the Board to simply ask members for a statement of continuing interest in the club, so this should be the last time we ask for supplemental dues until we actually have a financial need. Other key changes in the draft include corrections and clarifications, streamlined processes for calling Board meetings and new Bylaws revision requirements of a majority of votes cast rather than a majority of the membership. The Board believes the new draft will improve governance of the Club and is well past due.
Shortly after the membership renewal process is complete, we will send to the members a copy of the new proposed Bylaws as well as a redlined version highlighting the changes from the original Bylaws for your consideration and vote.
Please note that the $10 amount was based on the last time dues were requested in early 2017. If the amount is a problem for you and you wish to remain a member, please contact us so that an accommodation can be reached.
There are three payment options for membership renewal.
Use your banking app or website and choose Send Money with Zelle. Add new recipient "GCBC" with email address This is the preferred payment method, since Zelle's fees are significantly lower than PayPal's, meaning that the club receives more. To learn more, visit Zelle.
If you prefer to use PayPal, click here to send payment. Note that this allows online payment whether or not you have a PayPal account. You will be taken to PayPal's website to complete the payment.
To choose this option, refer to the membership renewal email sent from Laura Harris to the club distribution list on January 21 to find the treasurer's address.
If you have questions about the renewal or payment process, contact our Membership chair.